Sunday, March 8, 2009

Testing and Evaluation

We will be evaluating our model using the following procedure:

Below are 24 images with at least one salient object, selected without being tested previously with any of our saliency algorithms. We ran three algorithms (Itti, Itti with LAB, Itti with LAB/Symmetry), and have randomly placed the resulting masked images next to each image.

To help us evaluate the algorithms, we would like it if you could subjectively order the three masked images associated with each full image from best to worst.  What defines best and what defines worst is entirely subjective.  In general we are looking for the mask that shows as much of what you thought was important when looking at the image as possible.

The lettering next to each image is entirely random.  Please evaluate as many images as you can or have patience for.

Please format your responses as follows:

Image 01 - BCA <- B is the best, A is the worst
Image 02 - (CA)B <- This would indicate no discernable difference between C and A and you judging them equally good. 
Image XX - etc

You can complete the survey by posting a response to this post (anonymously if you desire), sending either of us an email, or even giving us something in person.

Click on the images to enlarge them:


  1. 1. BAC
    2. (BC)A
    3. ABC
    4. (ABC)
    5. (BC)A
    6. CAB
    7. (AC)B
    8. (BC)A
    9. BCA
    10. B(CA)
    11. BAC
    12. BCA
    13. (AC)B
    14. C(BA)
    15. (ABC)
    16. CBA
    17. (AC)B
    18. (AB)C
    19. B(AC)
    20. BAC
    21. BAC
    22. (AC)B
    23. ACB
    24. (ABC)

  2. Hiya Heiny!

    Image 01 – BCA
    Image 02 – (CB)A
    Image 03 – (AB)C
    Image 04 – A(CB)
    Image 05 – (BC)A
    Image 06 – (AC)B
    Image 07 – (AC)B
    Image 08 – CBA
    Image 09 – (CB)A
    Image 10 – B(AC)
    Image 11 – BAC
    Image 12 – BCA
    Image 13 – (AC)B
    Image 14 – CBA
    Image 15 – C(BA)
    Image 16 – (CB)A
    Image 17 – CAB
    Image 18 – (BA)C
    Image 19 – CBA
    Image 20 – BAC
    Image 21 – (ACB)
    Image 22 – BCA
    Image 23 – ACB
    Image 24 –BCA

  3. 01 bac
    02 bca
    03 (AB)c
    04 cba
    05 (bc)a
    06 cab
    07 (abc)
    08 abc
    09 cba
    10 acb
    11 cab
    12 cba
    13 bca
    14 cba
    15 bac
    16 cab
    17 cab
    18 bac
    19 bca
    20 cab
    21 (abc)
    22 acb
    23 bca
    24 bca

  4. 1. bac
    2. (cb)a
    3. (ab)c
    4. a(bc)
    5. cba
    6. cab
    7. (ac)b
    8. (bc)a
    9. cba
    10. b(ca)
    11. bac
    12. cba
    13. acb
    14. cba
    15. (ab)c
    16. c(ba)
    17. (ac)b
    18. bac
    19. cab
    20. cba
    21. b(ac)
    22. b(ca)
    23. acb
    24. bca

  5. 1. BAC
    2. BCA
    3. ABC
    4. ACB
    5. BCA
    6. ACB
    7. ACB
    8. BCA
    9. CAB
    10. BAC
    11. BAC
    12. BAC
    13. ACB
    14. CBA
    15. ABC
    16. CBA
    17. ACB
    18. BAC
    19. BAC
    20. BAC
    21. BAC
    22. BCA
    23. CBA
    24. CBA

  6. 1. BAC
    2. BCA
    3. (A=B=C)
    4. CBA
    5. CBA
    6. CAB
    7. B(A=C)
    8. (B=C)A
    9. (B=C)A
    10. (A=C)B
    11. ABC
    12. CBA
    13. ACB
    14. CBA
    15. BAC
    16. CBA
    17. ACB
    18. BAC
    19. B(A=C)
    20. ABC
    21. (A=B=C)
    22. ABC
    23. CBA
    24. BCA

  7. 1. BAC 7. ACB 13. CAB 19. BCA
    2. CBA 8. (BC)A 14. CBA 20. BAC
    3. ABC 9. CBA 15. (AB)C 21. BAC
    4. CBA 10. (AC)B 16. CBA 22. ACB
    5. (CB)A 11. ACB 17. CAB 23. ACB
    6. CAB 12. BAC 18. BAC 24. BCA
